

发布时间: 2024-05-07 13:31:18北京青年报社官方账号





Amazon’s San Diego presence dates back to 2016 and is led by Nate Wiger, who has spent six years with the company and worked on games, AWS and AmazonFresh. Wiger, who telecommuted from San Diego to Amazon’s Irvine office, convinced leadership to start up an office there using one of the famed “six-pagers,“a detailed memo read silently at the outset of an internal meeting. He emphasized University of California San Diego’s strong computer science program and a lower cost of living relative to other California cities.


Amazon’s lobbying efforts focused on its .7 billion acquisition of Whole Foods, immigration, and tax reform in 2017, according to The Post.


Among the 52 recommendations the watchdog made to the city's law enforcement, it has advised police to enhance communications with the public to avoid unnecessary, unfounded or malicious speculation and rumors. These suggestions include measures to enhance the transparency of the police's work and its publicity and public education on its procedures and practices to ease public concerns and quash speculation and rumors.


American states continue to value trade relations with China, despite ongoing tensions on the international level. And they hope tensions will get resolved through negotiations.


Amazon’s side: “These individuals were not terminated for talking publicly about working conditions or safety, but rather, for violating — often repeatedly — policies, such as intimidation, physical distancing and more,” an Amazon spokesperson told GeekWire. “We support every employees’ right to criticize or protest their employer’s working conditions, but that does not come with blanket immunity against any and all internal policies. We look forward to explaining in more detail in our response to the Senators’ letter.”


